Monday, November 22, 2010

How to change font and color in group email responses.?

If you post Group responses from the Group web site, then you can only change font and color if you use the Rich-Text Editor.

If you post Group responses from your e-mail address, then you should be able to easily change font and color, but how to do so depends on which e-mail program you're using to write these messages. For people to provide good help with this, you need to add Additional Details stating which e-mail program you use for this.

EDIT : So when you change font or color in an e-mail to a non-Group address, it's still the different font or color when it arrives? That would mean its some sort of issue with the Group(s). I can think of two possibilities.

About the Group(s) you're sending these messages to, do they allow attachments to messages? Because I've seen many messages with the text in blue in a certain Group that I'm a member of, but it allows attachments. Furthermore, when I think about it, I doubt I've seen a message in color in any of my Groups that don't allow attachments. So why am I asking about attachments? Because, for some reason, the setting to control whether HTML is allowed in Group messages is combined with the setting to control whether attachments are allowed in Group messages (for more, see my Source here). And when you change font and/or text color in e-mails, it's encoded as HTML. So if your Group(s) don't allow attachments, that could be the reason why your messages are being converted to plain black text. BTW, only a Group owner (or a moderator with the appropriate privileges) can control whehter or not a Group allows attachments.

If you're a member of any Group that does allow attachments, and when you try to send messages in color to it, they get converted back to plain black text, then it would have to be some sort of problem with your Yahoo account. If this is the case, the only thing you can do is inform Yahoo Groups Customer Care of the problem by filling out the form at .

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